@scanpaths / scanpaths.com
carnuba wax, *oilcloth histories*, ciguatera poisoning, ram temple fascimile in NYC parade, sony ericsson + ISIS, Monster Wolf

really interested in the trax network re: mail art
proximate to some interesting things but feeling mute and stupid as ever. working on songs again.
now listening
Revolutionary Pekinese Opera Ver. 1.28
12.5.24 a strong but poorly articulated instinct *against* the focus on 'the experience' in art criticism – any possibilities reduced to gratification for the viewer

12.4.24 want to read more about: portugal + empire in the 20th century. PiS pegasus spyware probe, peter ivers, cinderella stamps, UNITA / FLEC, scarf, EUR in Rome, fred c koch constructing nazi refinery, RAND viet cong motivation studies, the engine (Gulliver's Travels )... was also reading about terpenes on wikipedia. didn't know it was another kekulé coinage (or derived from turpentine). if you keep reading you can learn about how termites of the nasutitermitinae subfamily shoot terpenes at their enemies .. the 'fontanellar gun.' exited about cragale, studio 12, m squared ... listening schaflose nächte, height/dismay, RNA organism, nexda, stephen mallinder. walking around the city and hearing strange sounds from unseen creatures in strollers. no one got their 15 minutes of fame but we all got to be the bromley contingent. untitled (gold knot) - sherrie levine
historically mail art bored me, but it seems worth understanding better bc it's one of the only precedents for a viable art
old notes